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Kaj menite o letošnjem poletju (poletje 2014)?
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Skupaj glasov: 1
Hitri nasvet
Vsaka anketa ima lahko do 15 odgovorov - vsak odgovor je lahko dolg do 64 znakov!
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Statistika strani
Uporabnikov: 2192
Akt. anket: 86469
Neakt. anket: 70875
Komentarjev: 183
  Rezultati iskanja: najbolj (1556 zadetkov)
Anketa # Glasov Ocena
Ocenite film The Woodsman (Prepovedan dotik) ... 6 68 0
Ocenite film The Wind That Shakes the Barley (Veter, ki trese ječmen) ... 6 38 0
Ocenite film The Wild Wild West (Divji divji zahod) ... 6 63 0
Ocenite film The X-Files: I Want to Believe (Dosjeji X: Hočem verjeti) ... 6 30 0
Ocenite film The Yards (V imenu pravice) ... 6 63 0
Ocenite film Thirteen days (13 dni) ... 6 23 0
Ocenite film Thirteen Conversations About One Thing (13 pogovorov o eni stvari) ... 6 39 0
Ocenite film Thirteen (Trinajstletnici) ... 6 133 0
Ocenite film There Will Be Blood (Tekla bo kri) ... 6 63 0
Ocenite film The Shipping News (Ladijske novice) ... 6 27 0
Ocenite film The Sentinel (Agent na begu) ... 6 27 0
Ocenite film The Passion of the Christ (Kristusov pasijon) ... 6 54 0
Ocenite film The Pacifier (Misija: Cucelj) ... 6 75 0
Ocenite film The Others (Vsiljivci) ... 6 71 0
Ocenite film The Other Sister (Tista druga sestra) ... 6 28 0
Ocenite film The Patriot (Patriot) ... 6 8 0
Ocenite film The Perfect Storm (Vihar vseh viharjev) ... 6 67 0
Ocenite film The Pledge (Zaobljuba) ... 6 22 0
Ocenite film The Pink Panther (Rožnati Panter) ... 6 58 0
Ocenite film The Pianist (Pianist) ... 6 22 0
Ocenite film The Phantom of the Opera (Fantom iz opere) ... 6 87 0
Ocenite film The Other Boleyn Girl (Druga sestra Boleyn) ... 6 52 0
Ocenite film The One (Edini) ... 6 15 0
Ocenite film The Musketeer (Mušketir) ... 6 13 0
Ocenite film The Muse (Muza) ... 6 14 0
Ocenite film The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (Mumija: Grobnica zmajskega cesarja) ... 6 20 0
Ocenite film The Mummy (Mumija) ... 6 42 0
Ocenite film The Nativity Story (Zgodba o Kristusovem rojstvu) ... 6 20 0
Ocenite film The New Guy (Novi frajer) ... 6 20 0
Ocenite film The Omen (Omen 666) ... 6 23 0
Ocenite film The Number 23 (Številka 23) ... 6 34 0
Ocenite film The Ninth Gate (Deveta vrata) ... 6 25 0
Ocenite film The Next Best Thing (Druga najlepša stvar) ... 6 50 0
Ocenite film The Polar Express (Polarni vlak) ... 6 47 0
Ocenite film The Prestige (Skrivnostna sled) ... 6 73 0
Ocenite film The Rocker (Rocker) ... 6 23 0
Ocenite film The Road to Perdition (Pot v pogubo) ... 6 12 0
Ocenite film The Road to Guantanamo (Pot v Guantanamo) ... 6 24 0
Ocenite film The Ring Two (Krog 2) ... 6 59 0
Ocenite film The Royal Tenenbaums (Veličastni Tenenbaumi) ... 6 15 0
Ocenite film The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause (Božiček 3) ... 6 16 0
Ocenite film The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising (Zlo vstaja) ... 6 22 0
Ocenite film The Scorpion King (Kralj škorpijonov) ... 6 98 0
Ocenite film The School of Rock (Šola rocka) ... 6 45 0
Strani: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

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