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Kaj menite o letošnjem poletju (poletje 2014)?
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Skupaj glasov: 1
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Statistika strani
Uporabnikov: 2192
Akt. anket: 86469
Neakt. anket: 70875
Komentarjev: 183
  Rezultati iskanja: igra (2270 zadetkov)
Anketa # Glasov Ocena
Ocenite film Chicken Little (Mali pišček) ... 6 36 0
Ocenite film Cheaper by the Dozen 2 (Velika družina, veliko smeha) ... 6 25 0
Ocenite film Chicago (Chicago) ... 6 24 0
Ocenite film Catch Me if You Can (Ujemi me, če me moreš) ... 6 24 0
Ocenite film Cast Away (Brodolom) ... 6 106 0
Ocenite film Buena Vista Social Club (Buena Vista Social Club) ... 6 13 0
Ocenite film Buffalo Soldiers (Dobri vojak Šverc) ... 6 15 0
Ocenite film Buongiorno, notte (Dobro jutro, noč) ... 6 22 0
Ocenite film Buddy (Prijatelji) ... 6 17 0
Ocenite film Buddy (Prijatelji) ... 6 17 0
Ocenite film Brother Bear (Medvedja brata) ... 6 54 0
Ocenite film Bruce Almighty (Vsemogočni Bruce) ... 6 43 0
Ocenite film Bure Baruta (Sod Smodnika) ... 6 18 0
Ocenite film Butnskala (Butnskala) ... 6 33 0
Ocenite film Cars (Avtomobili) ... 6 73 0
Ocenite film Casanova (Casanova) ... 6 18 0
Ocenite film Casino Royale (Casino Royale) ... 6 24 0
Ocenite film Career Girls (Karieristke) ... 6 9 0
Ocenite film Capote (Capote) ... 6 13 0
Ocenite film Caché (Skrito) ... 6 17 0
Ocenite film Calendar Girls (Dekleta s koledarja) ... 6 27 0
Ocenite film Christmas With the Kranks (Kako se izogniti božiču) ... 6 14 0
Ocenite film Cinderella Man (Cinderella Man: legenda o boksarju) ... 6 10 0
Ocenite film Crash (Usodna nesreča) ... 6 42 0
Ocenite film Crimson Rivers (Škrlatne reke) ... 6 29 0
Ocenite film Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles (Krokodil Dundee v Los Angelesu) ... 6 27 0
Ocenite film Cradle 2 the Grave (Do groba) ... 6 19 0
Ocenite film Coyote Ugly (Dobre mrhe) ... 6 47 0
Ocenite film Control (Nadzor) ... 6 56 0
Ocenite film Corky Romano (Corky Romano) ... 6 19 0
Ocenite film Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course, The (Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course, The) ... 6 13 0
Ocenite film Crossing the Bridge: The Sound of Istanbul (Zvok Istanbula) ... 6 11 0
Ocenite film Cry_Wolf (Krvava_igra) ... 6 14 0
Ocenite film Cursed (Prekleti) ... 6 49 0
Ocenite film Čigava je ta pesem? (+ kratki film Evropa) (Čigava je ta pesem? (+ kratki film Evropa)) ... 6 75 0
Ocenite film Crustacés et coquillages (Morski sadeži) ... 6 23 0
Ocenite film Crush (Gin in čokolada) ... 6 62 0
Ocenite film Crossroads (Več kot dekle) ... 6 49 0
Ocenite film Cruel Intentions (Podle igre) ... 6 130 0
Ocenite film Contact (Stik) ... 6 35 0
Ocenite film Constantine (Constantine) ... 6 29 0
Ocenite film Clockstoppers (Clockstoppers) ... 6 6 0
Ocenite film Closer (Bližnji odnosi) ... 6 33 0
Ocenite film Closing the Ring (Prstan zaobljube) ... 6 58 0
Strani: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51

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